Monday, October 19, 2009

Autism and mercury in vaccines: new study says mercury levels in children with or without autism are similar

Autism and autism spectrum disorder is a challenging affliction affecting between 1 to 1.5 million Americans. For years, parents and health researchers have searched for a possible environmental cause of the problem that leaves many unable to communicate appropriately or make emotional connections in the same way as others. Some have suggested that the mercury used as a preservative in vaccines might be the cause of autism. So researchers wanted to examine whether kids with autism or other developmental disorders might bioaccumulate higher levels of mercury in their systems than normal kids. A University of California-Davis research team reports that, contrary to what some might have guessed, mercury blood levels were similar in children with autism and in those with normal development. The researchers looked at sources of mercury in the children's environments, such as fish consumption, use nasal sprays or earwax removal products, (which may contain mercury, and the types of vaccinations they received. They also examined dental fillings to determine whether any children had mercury-based amalgam fillings and whether they grind their teeth or chew gum. One interesting finding: children who chew gum and who have amalgam fillings had higher blood mercury levels. The researchers note that autism is a complex disease and will undoubtedly have complex causes. As of now, it doesn't appear that mercury is going to be the single reason for developmental problems. One thing is for sure. They mystery continues and more research is needed.

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