Thursday, June 4, 2009

Try a cup of happiness... It's good for your health

There's so much negativity in the developed world in general that people are literally making themselves sick...worrying about whether they'll inherit the family disease (cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes), sick over their credit card loans, watching their blood pressure rise as their fortunes sink in the recent stock market demise...Are we slowly killing ourselves with stress? Maybe, we all need to take a "happiness" break for a few minutes each day. Recent studies have shown that people with positive attitudes and a good circle of friends live longer and survive serious illnesses longer...people who embrace spirituality appear to survive longer...And a recent study reported that happiness was contagious, spreading through social networks. I think it's true that when you are near upbeat, positive people you feel better and perform better, although I've met a few people who refuse to embrace joy in any shape or form. We can theorize that the technological revolution has isolated us as much as it has globally connected us. We make less direct eye-to-eye contact than any other generations before us because we are staring longer at a computer or cell phone screen. Perhaps in the future, schools and businesses will be forced to offer courses that teach students and workers how to be happy and how to think in a positive, constructive way. The secret will be to find the rightinstructors to teach the courses.

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